That was a ride! Literally. At times a beautiful vintage car and at times a sailboat. Friends, I will never again say that nothing can surprise me. Because every other wedding has a surprise in store for me. Like this one here, I wanted to shoot the captain of the sailboat during the photo shoot. You know, the kind of ridiculous pranks that keep you talking. “You’re a pirate, you’ve got a boat, a rudder, and you’re missing an eye patch.” And the captain? “I’ve got a glass eye, I’ll show it to you for five grand.” That’s romantic! What do you want to say?
It was a great wedding, in the autumn, with wonderful people, and Adele and Matej enjoyed it perfectly. We went to Slezská Harta for the photos, which I fell in love with that day and went back several times. The last time was a couple of weeks ago. Did you know that the hills around the dam are former volcanoes? And that you can take a nice walk right into the heart of one of those volcanoes? There’s lava there! I mean… not to exaggerate, the remnants of lava fields. But do you get it? Normally you’re walking on a former volcano. It’s just an amazing world and it never ceases to fascinate and entertain me. So enjoy the show and enjoy this little taster from a beautiful autumn wedding. If you like the photos and would like similar ones, drop me a line.